Self reflection is a tough, vulnerable, and intimate conversation with yourself. It's a sacred and raw moment that is done in secrecy. Its difficult. Fourth quarter has a way of being a very reflective time for me. I think about all that has happened during the past nine/ten months and how I feel about. I ask myself, What did I birth?
Did it Survive? Is It thriving? Is It breathing?

This a gut wrenching reality check that makes you feel completely grief stricken or ignite a surge of faith. Although, the surge of faith is completely necessary, its equally important to grieve what didn’t happen or may not have pan out as you had desired. It's a natural feeling. Disappointment.
As I begin to take inventory over my goals and carefully consider the areas of shortcomings, I realize, there is still time to endure those droplets of rain, and anticipate a rainbow.

Dolly Parton said, “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain,” rainy days are no fun but I do believe there is an energy in those days that make us stronger. They nourish those dreams and aspirations to give us the peek of faith we need that a rainbow is sure to show up after such torrential conditions.
Parenting and business both have an interesting way of requiring us to reflect on our past. Thoughts surface in our mind and we feel the pressures of those gray clouds lingering over our heads. Maybe it’s the email you sent that was not appropriate. Perhaps it was the meeting that went completely awry. Or it was the way you handled a tough conversation about school grades. Maybe it was the multitude of times you missed an important performance. Whatever the case, remember its part of the process.
Rainbows come with sacrifice, so you gotta put up with the rain.
Hang in there.