Hello Mamas! I am back to my lovely space here on the blog! If you are following me on social media, you were able to keep a pulse on how things were going with the pregnancy, the delivery, and how things have been going the past almost 90 days (April 16th, one day after daddy's birthday!)!
Jinger Eliza has arrived and I couldn't be happier! I am still in awe that I have a newborn, but it's a positive vibe! God does this thing where he gives you just what you need and I know you are probably like GIRL...not a baby, but YES GIRL, a baby! There is something about this kid that feels so anointing and special and I am just happy that I was selected to mother her and watch it manifest.

Jinger Eliza will be 12 weeks Friday and I cannot believe this amount of time has flown by already. She is growing, attached to my voice and I think she has gotten used to the eventful household she has been born into. Already there has been a sibling that needed emergency surgery, two siblings graduated from high school (and attended prom), a sibling that has been in a wedding, a sibling that has had two ER visits back-to-back, car broken down, kindergarten orientation, and this isn't everything...whew!! Sister girl has witnessed a lot already!
Well, I just wanted to update you guys formally, and If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen her making her appearances! Before I let you go though, Jisele, Jenesis and Jinger have an Instagram account! I know...you squeal and so do I because it's cuteness overloaded! Follow and prepare for randomness and sisterhood!