Happy New Year Ladies!
I don’t know about you but this has been the longest first week! So many things have and are happening in the world and time is waiting on no one. With that, here I am in my 6th month of pregnancy, 25 weeks to be exact and if you are following me on instagram you are aware of my new accessory, my walker.
As I begin to bring you more content in this space I wanted to start with a womb update, it's “top secret” information I am only sharing on the blog (subscribers deserve the exclusive).
So, I had my anatomy scan just before the New Year and it was just like any other scan. Iit was exciting to see baby moving around, confirming the sex and seeing her stretch out those arms and legs, so much so, the ultrasound tech was having a difficult time capturing pictures because she was moving around so much.
After the scan, the doctor came into the tiny space as I was wiping the gel off my tummy to give me an update on the pictures the tech sent to her (If you are a new mama, this is normal). She began to share with me there was an abnormality with the baby's kidneys, both of them. Both kidneys are dilated and could be an indication of Down Syndrome (which I tested negative initially) or this could be an early indication of kidney issues that typically correct itself after birth or could result in Kidney issues after birth.
While the doctor was pretty reassuring the plan of action is to repeat scans monthly (this happens when you are a geriatric pregnancy 😒) and keep an eye on the growth of her kidneys during those scans.
The doctor asked if I had any questions I said no politely and she walked out leaving me sitting there trying to digest what I had been told. Although this is considered a “common”abnormality, the reality is that it’s a thing, I have no control. There is no medication that can be taken, there is nothing I can do differently, I simply must wait...talk about being disciplined.
As I drove home in the first snowstorm of the season, I cried for an hour during that drive and I even pulled over and did the unthinkable...I googled 😬.
But here is what I have learned... During the New Year, we do this thing where we make plans. We try to carefully plan out our year, in hopes we will ultimately receive the results we feel we have planned for. It’s just like COVID right? We all had grand plans for 2020 only for them to be hijacked.
Everyday since finding out this news, I have had moments of feeling completely sad to moments of feeling completely encouraged...and I believe this is normal. I want to encourage you to feel all the feelings. You don’t have to try to conceal them and store them away for another day. Give yourself grace and know that you are doing this life thing the best you can!
Oh and one quick question, how can I encourage your motherhood journey? Leave me a message!