Its Friday which means it's time to introduce yourself. Today instead of sharing it on instagram only, I decided it would be a great idea to share some things about me you may have never known. Have you wondered about my father, My siblings, my oldest daughters dad, my pet peeves etc., well, if you have not, I am sharing! Let's get to it!
Where is your father?
I am not certain actually. I met my father for the first time over 6-7 years ago. I am not sure where he is right now but I suspect if he is alive, he lives in Chicago. He is an extremely intelligent guy. When I met him I felt like it was myself and my husband blended into one person, it was odd.

Do you have siblings?
My father does have other children. I am older than everyone, however, I was told I had a brother older than me that passed away as a young boy. All in all, I have been raised an only child. Its the only way I know it.
How long have you been with your husband?
We started having...something in December of 2007. LOL!
What's your biggest pet peeve?
I don't think I have one per se but I don't like when people are not a good steward of their word.
What's You Parenting Advice summed in one sentence?
Do what gives you peace and allows you to sleep comfortable at night knowing you have done your best or you are trying!
What is your favorite Color?
I love the color black.
Favorite Performer/Artist?
Beyonce. I mean you must give credit where it is due! #BeyHive

Do you want more children?
Its actually not that I don't want more, its the situation. It's not easy being a mom to five children with no help outside of my husband. My mom is a tremendous help however, she has to work. This leave me alone. However,if I become pregnant. Just know we have a plan in place.
Do you wish you had siblings?
I only wish this when sibling social media days roll around and when I think about my moms long term down the road.
How do you do it all?
I don't! I select the tasks that I feel are realistic for me to complete and I smash them. However, when I am feeling lazy, I have to stop. When this happens, I am typically sleepy and I make no sense at all. However on an average day, I am looking to get things done. I am not looking to be perfect. Just productive.
*BONUS* Where's your oldest father?
He is actually doing really well. He will be married the end of the summer and YES, I do get along with him and his fiance. Maturity makes it all possible. We have conversations (outside of jaylah) as if we are cousins. YES, my husband does get along with them as well. We are busy raising humans and not one another. YES, my husband and I are attending the wedding. We were invited and we are extremely happy for them.