School starts this week for most children (My high schoolers start today). This is the time of year when parents are engulfed in work duties and children's extracurricular activities. Dinner time is the time of day when it seems that everything comes crashing at you all at once, homework, pick -up and drop - off, parent meetings, evening rush home and the list goes on! Guess what mama? It's time you start not being so stressed out by dinner meals and find ways to make it conducive for your family's schedule. If you do not have time to cook gourmet meals, guess what? ITS OKAY! As a mom with a large family and busy schedules, I have learned to make dinner time not a task that completely depletes me. I have instituted some cool kitchen gadgets to help make my cook time run quicker and smoother. These are my top kitchen gadgets that make cooking dinner much easier:
1. Crock Pot Express - OMG, you have no idea how this cuts my cook time nearly in half! The pressure cooker doubles as a slow cooker as well, which is really cool! This gadget is great for preparing stews, soups, chilli, poultry, rice, potatoes, pastas, and much more. The cook times as a pressure cooker has the ability to have a meal/dish complete in 20 minutes and under.

2. Air Fryer - This is my go to kitchen gadget for meats. I can cook chicken, salmon and any other meat that you would typically dump in grease or a skillet to fry. This gadget is a probably one of my favorites because its a healthier way to have foods with the same crisp as fried foods. Although the foods do not take half the time to cook, it's a healthier and easy option.

3. Crock Pot Casserole - This is a slow cooker however, its great for those one dish meals, specifically casseroles. You can prepare breakfast casseroles at night and have them ready for breakfast for your family in the morning. In addition to this, you can cook meats and other dishes such as potatoes and chicken.

I actually really love to cook. However, I understand that sometimes I do not have the time to cook meals that may take hours to prepare. These gadgets still preserve the deliciousness of your seasonings and most importantly, they make things easier for you. As mama's we have enough going on, dinner shouldn't exhaust us. Check out these gadgets, you can purchase them all online or in stores like Target...and Target because I love them! Try one of these gadgets out and let me know if you like it!