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How Husbands Can Help SAHMompreneurs

Writer's picture: ErickaEricka

Being a stay at home mom is rewarding in many ways. Not solely for the reasons many think like, daycare costs, not “working” at your typical place of employment or spending countless hours with your kiddos not missing one single moment. I mean, all of those are rewarding and are reasons I actually love being home with my children however, for me it's an opportunity to connect with my passions. My passion is writing. I have loved writing since 2nd grade and I always wanted to be a writer. I didn’t know it would manifest this way but it has and I am grateful for the experience. However, all of this comes at a price, not monetarily (well actually it does sometimes) but you actually NEED on your husband more than they think (cue the suspense music).

You see, when you are chasing your passion as a SAHM you are doing so with your children. For those of you who work, imagine seeing your clients with your toddler on your hip, or imagine trying to close a deal and a kid is having a tantrum. With this, some things need to be done without children around (I love those people that think because you are a SAHM you have time for sales jobs! Ha, silly rabbits, I am begging kids all want me to beg adults too?!). This means we need our husbands around for those tasks. Here is the conundrum, once our husbands arrive home from work they are exhausted from their day too. Between the morning rush, the work day and the commute home, rightfully so the day has been a long one for them. However, we are equally just as tired and need a moment to take a load off (or out of the washer or dryer if you are me). Basically, we need to dive into our passions.

Our passion projects keep us acclimated to the working and adult world, so we need it. Sometimes, husbands aren't aware just how important these projects or businesses are

to us because we don’t do a good job at communicating it. Primarily, its because once we are done sharing what all the kids have done (or don’t do) and your good news or excitement about your passion projects have taken a backseat, leaving your spouse out of the loop. This is where things get challenging and where we need our spouses. I told my husband recently “I think you downplay how much I actually need you at night” (don’t even take your mind there, we have five kids, we have helped society plenty!). Seriously though, it is during those off peak hours that we can really push out great work. Do you feel like this too mama? I know you do! So, I have a couple ways those spouses can lend us a helping hand...present these and let me know how it works out:

  1. Ask about our day outside of the children because this is where you can really find out how things with us are going. We really should share but you know mom brain is a real thing and we forget (it's pretty bad)

  2. Carve out time where you (the husband) are going to take the children completely. This allows mamas to fully commit time and energy into what they are working on (even if it is an episode of housewives)

  3. Schedule Routine Date nights because an every now and then can REALLY BE NOW AND THEN and you don't want that. IF the date nights are just not feasible, schedule a daily check in. {THIS ONE WORKS FOR US}

  4. Remind us to make time for ourselves, we know we need to but we forget...sadly.

  5. After you share with us your business day debacles, ask us about business sometimes we forget to think of what we do as business because you know, that's for those super successful people (mama’s why do we think like that?!)



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