The latest Becoming The Mrs InstaCast video is regarding Co-Parenting. This video is dedicated to providing tips on how to navigate the co-parenting process with the acronym
C.O.R.E. Cohesiveness, Optimistic, Respectful and Effort.
Cohesive - Being cohesive is an essential component to the co-parenting process. It's important for both parents to be in synch with how the child(ren) are to be parented. This is including but not limited to discipline and rules. When a cohesive relationship is in place, you are creating solid foundation for the child(ren) to understand that as parents, you and the other parent work as a team in the parenting department.

Optimistic - A lot of times in co-parenting situations, there is a spirit of uncertainty when the child(ren) spends time with the opposite parent. As parents, we can become very offensive and not foster an attitude of optimism. Instead, we exhibit an attitude that is not positive and the child(ren) can internalize that energy. They can begin to feel that the other parent isn't equipped and therefore begin to believe it. You want to make certain you provide an attitude of reassurance.
Respectful - This component is the center of a co-parenting situation. When both parents show respect for one another, it helps the child to understand that boundaries are in place. Showing respect also creates an atmosphere for the child to not only respect both parents but their significant others as well. When a child sees positivity, they have the chance to follow that attribute.
Effort - Despite your co-parenting arrangement, it is imperative that both parents display an attitude of complete effort. You want your child and the opposing parent to know that although the situation is not ideal, although the child may not live with one parent as much, you are putting your best foot forward and you desire to be just as active and interested in the parenting process as the other parent. This kind of attitude will help a child to see you as a valid parent and it will make you credible.
I do not have all of the answers but experience is the best teacher. I hope these tools will help you navigate through your co-parentng situation. Good luck & You got this!