Having a toddler never gets old despite how many times you parent a child during that stage. My daughter is on the cusp of two (if you ask her age she will tell you TWO!) and she is a ball of energy. These days its more energy than I think I can handle sometimes. While all toddlers are typically full of energy its important you have some go to items that will keep them occupied so that you can breathe or enjoy your cup of coffee that you have been trying to consume since 7am. I believe I have some items that I'd like to call my "Toddler Survival Kit." These items are things I keep on hand and pull out when I am feeling exhausted and depleted. These items should not be used daily unless they work like a charm for your child so much that they are never bored of playing with them, Primarily because you don't want them to not be your good luck charms when you pull them out.
Balloons - You maybe like huh? Yeah I know I had my reservations until I tried it myself. I keep a handheld balloon pump and couple balloons and just like that you have a party on your hands. If your toddler enjoys throwing the balloon and chasing it, then this should be a great item to keep in your toolkit.
Washable Paint or Magic Marker Set - Personally, I keep both however, this is not necessary (I just like to have extra). Pulling out a magic marker set with paper is a sure way to keep your tot occupied and it eases your mind from worrying about a messy situation when they are done. However, you can go the route of washable paint, be sure you have plenty of wipes handy as things can get a little messy.
Tablet - I know some of you are probably worried about screen time and all that jazz. However, remember this is a about calming your toddler down so that you can take a couple sips of coffee or make an important phone call etc. Having a tablet handy is great if you want to occupy your tot with a toddler friendly learning game or one of their favorite cartoons.
Book - Yes, you can't go wrong with keeping a book on hand for your toddler to check out. This is also a great addition to your kit because its educational (SCORE!).
Snacks - Yes! Snack, Snacks and more snacks for obvious reasons of course!
These are just a couple items that I like to keep handy in my diaper bag or minivan so that I am prepared for meltdowns, tantrums or a case or boredom...and maybe bribery (Hey it happens!). Keep a note of some of these items and share with me what you keep in your toddler toolkit because I am always looking to swap things out!