I was thumbing through some photo moments of myself immediately after I gave birth to Jisele and I became so thankful for the team that was responsible for assisting me through the process (I also became even more in love with womanhood!). No, not my husband although, he was really helpful and God bless him for googling "What to do when your wife is in labor" (LOL!). Two things from that search were intriguing and he decided to try:
1. Ask a random question to get your wife's mind off what's currently taking place.
He Asked: "When was the last time you got your ends clipped?!
I was so confused and taken aback because at this point in the process I was in A LOT of pain! I mean TONS! Until this day I think that was really funny and completely random!
2. Place a cold towel on her forehead.
His Action: He placed the cold towel on my forehead and you guys that was the winner! As simple as the task was, it was was really soothing. I am really thankful to him for that (So, I guess I am thankful for him too 😃)
Let's get back to the point...
I am so thankful for the medial professionals! My delivery as some of you know was very eventful! Jisele had shoulder dystocia meaning her shoulder was stuck in my pelvis and they had to pull her out with the possibility of breaking her shoulder and or clavicle bone 😦. Once she was delivered, she did not cry and "appeared to not be breathing." I was terribly afraid but I prayed and prayed and told my husband "Lewis don't look, just pray!" Fast forward, a team of wonderful people delivered Jisele and I am so grateful for them. Medical professionals are very important people! Not often do we give them credit during the "birthing hour." Typically, the MVP of the process are us moms however, those gurus have to think quickly and make sound decisions. So, to all of you medical professionals that work hard everyday delivering babies and or saving lives I truly love you! 💕 You give so much of yourselves and that comes with consequences and sometimes guilt. In honor of Women's History Month I have to tip my hat off to the women pictured below! They are historic in their own right and very historic in an event that took place in mines.

Jisele and the wonderful Doctor that made everything blissful! She has perfectly manicured nails and she literally had just stepped out of the operating room completing a cesarean. This is a Magical picture!💫

The nurse pictured on the left is a traveling nurse and had recently been assigned to the hospital. Jisele was her first delivery at the hospital and she was phenomenal! She was so comforting and accommodating! The Doctor you see pictured in his Tar Heels gear was great as well! He was very reassuring and joked with my husband a little bit! Again a magical picture!💫